
Wednesday 28 November 2018

“ we should go somewhere, i'm sick of this place’ i hear stomping coming into my room as rustles come from the leaves grinding against my window. My close friend comes in the room with an anxious look on her face, i demanded to know what happened, but she gave no reply. It was almost like she saw something surreal or maybe the opposite. ‘ uh i need to- well..nvm.’ she stumbled on her own words as she was twirling around the pandora bracelet i got for her birthday just a few days prior.   As we make our way to the campsite.

Friday 23 November 2018

Positive and negatives things about the new space and the old tech place… :))

New tech space
  1. Its modern
  2. It's more open and exciting


  1. It looks confusing

Old space

  1. Its humble
  2. Its closed off so people cant see you and you can't hear so many annoying noises.


  1. Its small
  2. Its cold
  3. Its worn out
  4. And yeah…

What i would want the old space to be turned into..? :))

A meeting space and or heaps of break out spaces ion know.

Monday 19 November 2018

this is my work, all term we have been learning how to weld and shape different types of metal.
 it was hard and in my opinion I didn't find it much entertaining as the rest of the class. I got distracted a lot and didn't focus as much as I should of. but I did learn some knew things.

tech 2018 term 3 and 4

Did i finish my work? yes or no? no.
why? because i was too busy playing around and also my work got lost a few times..

what i enjoyed? i enjoyed the environment and seeing everyone else finishing projects.

what i learnt? i learnt that i should stay on task more and focus more on my work but mostly i learnt how to use different tools to change the shape and the 'texture' of my work.

what was a challenge? there was heaps of challenges for me especially trying to stay on task when i didn't find it that fun at all..

how i overcame that challenge? i found fun stuff in the learning and listening to the music really helped me stay on task because it brightened my mood and made me more energetic.

it was fun but also boring at some times, it was a great life lesson on how to do these things but its just no a exciting interest of mine. :))

Thursday 15 November 2018

in community projects were learning about  swot analysis which stands for strength , weakness , oppotunities and threats.

jordan keeley
neika geldard
dylan geldard
paige carroll
kiera bradford
gary shadbolt

were doing a documentary about hornby high and the different passion projects that are provided. were going around taking videos of the different platforms and how we help the community. on the first day we wrote down our ideas about how we can help the community and i picked art because i like photography and the whole sense of it

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Code of king Arthur

There was not an authentic knights code of chivalry as such it was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat.

  • To fear god and maintain his church
  • To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
  • To protect the weak and the defenseless
  • To give succour to widows and orphans
  • To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
  • To live by honour and for glory
  • To despise pecuniary reward
  • To fight for the welfare of all
  • To obey those placed in authority
  • To guard the honour of fellow knights
  • To  keep faith
  • At all times to speak the truth
  • To respect the honour of women

Monday 13 August 2018

My stage in English

I'm on the stage: learners.

I think I'm on it because I've been away quiet a bit.  I don't listen and I'm off task very often.

I think I can move up by, paying attention,  settling down and listening to what the teacher says. Taking time to do my work and doing 

Thursday 21 June 2018

what are my strengths in writing? : I am good at thinking and writing creative back stories in my writing.

 what are my next steps in writing? : My next steps in writing are learning a further variety of words and context.

where would i like to be in writing at the end of year 9? : level 5 high or low level 6

how am i going to enable myself to reach this goal? : focus really hard and put on a good mind set.

Monday 11 June 2018

food tech


first i thought the nachos were going to be pretty good, but i didn't like the turn out because the texture and the flavouring didn't really match and personally i didn't really like them.

Image result for vegetarian nachos


i was really sure what it was at first but when it came out and i tasted it i really liked it.

Thursday 7 June 2018


1.What was august's one wish that he wanted?If you could change one thing about your looks what would it be?
If auggie could find a a magic lamp and could wish for that,that would be the wish
2.What do you think it means to be ordinary?What makes august extraordinary?
The same as others but Auggie looks different and everyone treats him differently
3.How do people react when they see Auggie's face for the first time?How would you react?
Everyone is confused because he doesnt look like everyone else but everyone is perfect in there own way and shouldnt be treated any differently because of the way they look
4.August's dad said,"so sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter...."
What does this mean?Is it like sending someone to there death zone
5.Would you send August to school if you were his mom or dad?Explain why or why not
I would send Auggie to school still and would be mad if he got treated differently because thats sad and he should be treated like everyone else.
6.What white lie did augusts mum tell?Why did she do it?Are white lies okay to tell?
His mum lied about the IQ test
7.Auggie decided he liked mrs Garcia-when she wasnt wearing her shiny smile.What is a 'Shiny smile'
A shinny smile is a fake smile
8. How does auggie know for the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully?What are some ways that Julian bullies Auggie?How does auggie respond?Julian was saying rude stuff and being sarcastic and Judging buy his looks
9.Star wars is one of Auggies passsions why do you think this is?Because of his costumes and what he has said about star wars
10.What qustions did julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk?Julian asked Auggie what was wrong with his face in front of the whole class 
11.Mr brownes September precept was "when given the choice between being right or being kind
12.In the chapter one to ten,August is feeling mad with his  other but hes not sure why..
13.August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came why do you think they didnt go?Because everyone thinks he is a human disease because of how he looks 
14.August says he has an 'aversion'to get his picture taken.It sounds like hes saying hes to nervous and scared people are gonna judge him when they see his picture
15.Why does no one want to touch August?how do you think this makes him feel?Because everyone thinks he looks different and they think he is gonna give them something because of his looks and he seems sad
16.Did your opinion of jack will change after August overhead him talking to julian explain?He acts like his friend then

17.Do you think august will go back to school?He will sometime he just needs some time away but i think he should go back cause if he stays away then comes back nothings gonna change



missing you like crazy- lukie d

i love the beat and the lyrics.. it reminds me of someone very close to me. <3

Tuesday 22 May 2018


I look down just to see that the world is beneath my feet. All the people scatter around.. I feel so lonely up here, but i haven't been out that much because its a huge struggle to get up and down.