
Monday 17 June 2019

turning copper into gold

Aim: To turn a copper coin into gold (actually brass but looks gold)

  • copper coins
  • Sodium Zincate
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Heat mat

1. Set up your Bunsen burner
2. Create the Sodium Zincate solution by mixing 1 gram of ZnO and 4 grams of NaOH
3. Boil the solution
3. Dip a copper coin into a solution of sodium Zincate in contact with Zinc to turn it silver.
4. Put the coin over the Bunsen burner flame to turn it gold.

Friday 7 June 2019

i am making sherbet

making sherbet

aim: i want to making sherbet

method: First i got a sandwich bag, then gathered my ingredients on the science counter top, put 1 tbsp of raspberry raro and icing sugar. i then got a tsp of baking soda, citric acid and tartaric acid.
i sealed the bag closed and began shaking the bag to let all the dry ingredients mix into sherbet.

results: We dipped our finger into the sandwich bag which held the sherbet and tasted it, it was a bit bitter and the after taste wasn't that great.. it foamed in my mouth, which i didn't like very much but overall it tasted pretty good!

discussion: The reason the sherbet foamed in my mouth was the acids and the bases mixing with the saliva in my mouth, i would do it again, maybe not put as much of some products and put a bit more of others, or maybe some different flavours of sherbet next time.But i was also wondering why it didn't react in the bag???.. I was pretty confused in this situation, how could it react in my mouth but not in the bag? it still has all the same formula? the acids and bases are dry ingredients and don't react unless there is dissolved in water. all acids have the atom hydrogen, which dissolve in water, acid dissolves in water and bases in an acid opposite will remove the hydrogen from the acid when trying to dissolve which will cause the acids and bases to react with each other. on the other hand bases release hydroxide (OH-) ions when they are dissolved in water